Hick's Law
Primary Designer: Lim Rui Xiong
The Hick’s Law Room is meant to educate players about the concept of Hick’s Law. Hick’s Law is a psychological principle that describes the relationship between the number of stimuli present and the time it takes to make a decision based on those stimuli. The law states that the time it takes to make a decision increases logarithmically with the number of possible choices or stimuli. Players will go through a tutorial and learn learn about ways they can exploit the principle to built better User Interfaces.
Optimal number of options in an interface
Players will get be presented with options to choose from in order to answer a question. They can play around with the number of options they can select and experience first hand how the number of stimuli present can affect a user’s ability and time taken to make decisions.
Tips on improving interfaces based on Hick’s Law
Players will be presented with various tips that apply the principles of Hick’s Law to create a more effective user interface, resulting in an improved overall experience for users.
User Interface overloading in Virtual Reality
Players will get to experience first hand how it feels like to have too many user interfaces presented to them at once. The purpose of this feature if to provide put players in the shoes of a potential user and allow players to have a better understanding from a user perspective by using a negative example. Overloading interfaces can also lead to user frustration, confusion, and even nausea or motion sickness, which are common problems associated with VR.
https://lawsofux.com/hicks-law/ https://blog.hubspot.com/website/information-overload